Opinion by Johnny Rocket

President Lardass is set to nominate a new Attorney General who is a perfect representation of the Lardass Rape Brand.

A Match Made in Rapings

First and foremost, let’s talk about the candidate’s résumé. In a time when seemingly any qualifications are scrapped in favor of loyalty to the brand, this nominee boasts an impressive track record of dodging accountability and statutory rape, just like a laser-focused lawyer on a mission to redefine what “consent” means in the context of a political power play. After all, when you think of Lardass—a man synonymous with bravado and a habit of bending the truth—what better embodiment could there be than someone willing to stretch definitions to fit the narrative?

The Perfect Brand Ambassador

What’s that saying? “You can’t spell ‘lawyer’ without ‘lay’?” This nomination comes at a time when the President faces increased scrutiny, and the need for a strong defender of the Lardass brand has never been more crucial. Consider all the adversaries of Lardass: annoying campaign laws, due process, nepotism, debt collectors, those opposing Russian treason, and the counting of votes when he loses! This AG can shield him from all those threats and obtain the things Ghislaine Maxwell can no longer provide.

Creative Legal Interpretations

Tradition dictates that the role of Attorney General is about upholding the law. Boring! Instead, we see this nomination as a step into a brave new world of jurisprudence, where interpretations are as flexible as a Gaetz prostitute at a summer pool party. The new AG’s approach? “If the law doesn’t work for you, modify it until it does!” Sounds familiar, right? Like a hand-picking a hated man, the Lardass Rape Brand, willing to keep those pesky statutes at bay.

Justice for All… Who Support Us!

Let’s also not forget the pressing need for representation for those who have historically gone underrepresented in the legal system—the elite. You can trust that this Attorney General will keep the justice scale balanced… in favor of the Lardass legacy! Goodbye SEC probes, Musk!

Conclusion: A Bright Future Ahead

In conclusion, the appointment of this Attorney General is not just a selection; it’s a celebration of the Lardass Rape Brand ethos—a commitment to redefining the very essence of justice while ensuring the brand remains untarnished. As a nation, we can look forward to a future where perhaps the most raucously entertaining courtroom battles await us… all while clutching our patriotic flags and laughing nervously at the circus unfolding before our eyes. Lardass is entertaining, and he says the same things my uneducated uncle does!

So, raise your glasses—in true Lardass style—to “justice” as reimagined! Because when it comes to the law, sometimes you just have to “grab it” by the brand!

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